Sunday, December 20, 2015



It'a a Marvelous Monday Team Central!!!

  • Our Social Studies, Science, and Math Departments for working extremely hard and supporting students with completing the literary tasks!
  • Mr. Byass and Ms. Hollway for an outstanding Holiday Program!! Well done!!
  • Ms. White and Ms. Schramm-Slavin for attending the Holiday Program and supporting the Music and Art Departments!
  • Mr. Ali and Master Sgt. Ferguson for participating in the Holiday Program!! Our staff is very talented!!
  • Mrs. Lorditch for spearheading the Secret Santa Week and all staff members who participated!
  • Mrs. Lorditch and the front office staff for putting together, and assisting, with our staff Holiday Luncheon!
  • Mr. Bailey and Mr. Norman for hanging our brand new motivational banners around the building!
  • Dr. Jones and Mr. Miller for passing the first two parts of their National Board Certification Assessment! Way to go!!

Our school-wide focus is on increasing the literacy capabilities of our students across all content areas. We have started the ball rolling with implementing our literacy tasks in Social Studies, Science, and Math. Additionally, our literacy team is preparing to look at the data from the literacy tasks to determine our students' strengths and areas of growth, and identifying areas of needed professional development. We will begin sharing this data with the entire staff after Winter Break.

  • Students are tired, and so are we!! Everyone is ready for Winter Break!! However, we must continue enforcing the expectations of CHS!! Let's continue to "sweat the small stuff" as we work on building "A Culture of Excellence!"
  • Please do not order, bring, allow students to bring any food/drinks into the classrooms. If there are questions,  please speak to your Zone Administrator.
  • Students must be in uniform this week. There are no "dress down days" this week.
  •  On days close to Breaks, students like to walk the building. Please ensure students remain in your classes. Reminder - There should be NO PASSES issued during the first 15 minutes of the class period, or the last 15 minutes of the class period. EMERGENCIES ONLY during the class periods. It is very important that we all adhere to this expectation!!
  • Please continue to be vigilant and let's keep our eyes and ears open! If you see or hear of any possible issues with students, or between students, please notify security, ABIS, or Administration ASAP!

Monday, 12/21 "B" Day
  • Senior Class Meeting @ 9:15am
  • Girls BB @ Surrattsville 7:15pm
  • Boys BB @ CHS 7:15pm
Tuesday, 12/22 "A"

Thank you for your hard work!! 
Have a wonderful, relaxing, and safe Winter Break!
Let's return recharged in 2016!!