Sunday, August 30, 2015


Week of: 8/31 - 9/4

Happy Monday Team,

WHAT AN AMAZING OPENING WEEK!! Thank you for your hard work!!!

However....This week - the honeymoon ends!!! Some of our scholars are more comfortable now, and will try and see how far they can get without following our rules and procedures.  We MUST continue to be consistent and enforce our expectations, in the classrooms, hallways, lunchroom, etc.

Thank you to EACH and EVERY staff member for an awesome opening week!!! 

  • We will strictly enforce the uniform policy beginning, Monday, 8/31 - including non-compliance of jacket color. If scholars are out of uniform, they should be sent to the In-School Suspension Room on the 3rd floor. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW A SCHOLAR TO SIT IN YOUR CLASSROOM IF THEY ARE OUT OF UNIFORM.
  • Continue to review your classroom rules and procedures. Model and have scholars walk through procedures to ensure they are clear regarding your expectations.
  • The first 15 minutes of your class is critical, as it sets the tone for the entire class period. Ensure you have a clear and specific entry plan when scholars enter your classroom. What are your expectations?
  • Cell phones, ear buds, and/or ear phones MUST be turned off and out of sight during instructional time (unless used for instructional purposes). We MUST "sweat the small stuff" consistently across the entire school.
  • Please do NOT allow scholars to stand and wait by the classroom door at the end of class - including at the end of the school day.  Scholars should sit in their seats and wait for YOU to dismiss them, not the bell.
  • Please limit all hall passes.  We must enforce our expectation that instructional time is the priority, and all scholars MUST be in the classroom to learn. You will soon learn who your "hall pass" scholars are - they ALWAYS want a pass. Please DO NOT issue passes, with the exception of true emergencies. Additionally, passes should NOT be issued during the first and last 15 minutes of the class period, or after 2:00pm.

  • Tuesday, 9/1 - PD SESSIONS DURING ALL PLANNING PERIODS (Google Doc Intervention Tool)
  • Wednesday, 9/2 - All Pillar Team Leaders should send out article/video etc. by Wed. 9/2
  • Thursday, 9/3 - BACK-TO-SCHOOL-NIGHT @ 6:00pm (Staff should sign-in no later than 5:30pm.)
  • Friday, 9/4 - ALL EMERGENCY SUBSTITUTE PLANS ARE DUE - Submit to the Main Office by COB (See the Faculty Handbook)
  • Saturday, 9/5 - Football @ Central HS vs. Parkdale (2:00pm)

  • Schedule changes will begin with Senior scholars. Please do not send scholars to the Professional Guidance Counselor's Area for schedule changes. Scholars should complete a schedule change form, and the grade level Professional School Counselor will contact the scholar.


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