Sunday, October 25, 2015



  • Major Pabalan for incorporating close reading and an open -response writing task in his ROTC class - "Operation Literacy.
  • Staff members who participated in our "Anti-Bullying" Day Orange Out!
  • Ms. Hall, Ms. Clark, Ms. D and Ms. Wright Price for winning the Class Orange-Out Day!!

5 Ways to  Incorporate Literacy in the Classroom
A CHS Blog Series
This Week.... 


When was the last time your students had sore hands from writing in your class? Just like conversation, writing helps us make sense of what we are learning and helps us make connections to our own lives or others' ideas.

You can't avoid thinking when you write.

Students need to be writing every day, in every classroom. How about adding to your instruction more informal and fun writing activities like:

  • quick writes - The strategy asks scholars to respond in 2–10 minutes to an open-ended question or prompt posed by the teacher before, during, or after reading.
  • stop and jots - Stop and jots are an opportunity for students to stop and jot their thinking while they read. They are meant to be quick, so the reader can keep reading! 
  •  one-minute essaysClick for more info
    graffiti conversations - Click for more info

     Not all writing assignments need be formal ones. Students need frequent opportunities to write informally and formally.

    • It is important that we are ALL speaking the same language to our scholars. Please DO NOT allow any student to sit in your classroom out of uniform, listening to music, texting, or with ear phones or ear buds in their ears.
    • No hall passes should be issued the first 15 or last 15 minutes of each class period! During the class period, passes should be issues for EMERGENCIES only!
    •  Please make sure you are lesson planning each day, and using the school-wide lesson plan template. Lesson plans should be in a binder, and in an area that is accessible for visitors. 
    •  All SLO's were due in Teachscape by October 19, 2015. Department Chairs will be requesting information from you if you have not uploaded your SLO's.   

    MONDAY, 10/26"A DAY"
    • 10th Grade SIT Meeting
    • First Generation College Bound -College Admissions Workshop @ 6:30pm

    TUESDAY, 10/27 "B Day"
    • 11th Grade SIT Meeting @ 12:00pm
    • Foundations of Technology Collaborative
    • World Languages Collaborative Planning
    • World Languages Collaborative Planning
    •  9th Grade Nation Meeting @ 2:30pm
    • Literacy Team Meeting @ 2:45pm Rm. 100

    WEDNESDAY, 10/28 "A" DAY
    • IEP Meetings (All day) 
    • Family and Consumer Sciences Collaborative Planning
    • Math Collaborative Planning
    • English Collaborative Planning
    • Social Studies Collaborative Planning
    • French Immersion Collaborative Planning
    • Science Collaborative Planning 
    • IB 12th Grade Teacher Meeting @ 2:30pm
    • Admin/ABIS/Security/PGC Meeting  - 2:45pm - 3:15pm
    • Admin Meeting 3:30pm (Upstairs Conference Room

     THURSDAY, 10/29 "B" DAY 
    •  Cross Country @ Ft. Washington Park- Regionals @ 3:00pm
    • College Fair Night @ 6:00pm

    FRIDAY, 10/30 "A" DAY
    • End of First Quarter (45 days)
    • 1/2 Day for Scholars
    • 1/2 Day Professional Development beginning @ 12:45pm

    SATURDAY,  10/31 
    • JV Football @ Central vs. Fairmont Heights @ 9:00am

    • (V) Football @ Fairmont Heights @ 2:00pm

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