Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of September 14th - September 18th

Welcome back!!!! I hope you had ANOTHER relaxing, long weekend!!!! 

  • ALL staff members for continuing to enforce our school policies and procedures, including the uniform and cell phone policies. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Ms. Holston and Ms. Claggett for starting a Pep Band and flag team!
  • Ms. Schramm-Slavin for starting a Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society Chapter at CHS!
  • Our football team for a win over the Parkdale Panthers on Saturday, 9/5/2015.

Recognizing the difference between  “I taught it” and  “They learned it”  is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively Checking for Understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. - See more at:

 Checking for Understanding
Recognizing the difference between  “I taught it” and  “They learned it”  is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively Checking for Understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. - See more at:

Recognizing the difference between  “I taught it” and  “They learned it”  is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively Checking for Understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. - See more at:
Recognizing the difference between  “I taught it” and  “They learned it”  is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively Checking for Understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. - See more at:
 Recognizing the difference between "I taught it," and "They learned it," is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively checking for understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. (Doug Lemov, Teach Like a Champion)

When Checking for Understanding, remember....

Frequency: Check for understanding at least three times a lesson. Minimum. Teachers should check for understanding at least three times per lesson – after Introduction to New Material (INM), Guided Practice (GP), and at the conclusion of a lesson. Far too often teachers motor through INM right into GP without checking the class’s level of understanding. Or doing little more than “Any questions?” Example - 12 minutes into a 60-minute class, 17% of the class might be confused but the teacher doesn’t know.
Variety: Teachers should use different individual and whole group techniques to check for understanding. This means, during a single class, the same CFU(check for understanding) technique should not be repeated.

 Usefulness: The litmus test on a quality CFU is whether or not the teacher can adjust course or continue as planned based on the information received in the check. Do you need to stop and start over? Pull seven kids aside for three minutes to re-teach? Or move on? 
(KIPP BLOG, Dave Levin)

This week, make it a priority to use a minimum of one of the following check for understanding technique:
  • Exit
 Tickets - A short quiz/summary/questions, aligned to the learning objective that scholars will complete prior to leaving the class. Use the data from the exit ticket to plan for the upcoming lesson.
  • Turn and Talk - Turn to another scholar and discuss, explain, share specific information regarding the learning objective (skill/concept). Tell scholars that one of them will have to share out to the class, so be prepared. During turn and talk, move through the classroom listening to conversations, and use the data to determine whether scholars are grasping the concept/skill or if there are misunderstandings. If there are misunderstandings, reteach.
  • The 60 Second Paper - Scholars describe the most important thing they learned and identify any areas of confusion in under a minute.
  • Ms. Walker's Traffic Lights - Using red, yellow, and green paper, index cards, cut-out circles glued on sticks, etc....write "GOT IT" on the green paper, "ALMOST" on the yellow paper, and  "HELP" on the red paper. During specific check-points in the lesson, scholars hold up their colored paper to show their level of understanding. Scholars can also place the appropriate colored paper on their desk during the lesson and, as you circulate, you can assess the scholars' level of understanding.

  • We will strictly enforce the uniform policy, including non-compliance of jacket color. If scholars are out of uniform, they should be sent to the In-School Suspension Room on the 3rd floor. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW A SCHOLAR TO SIT IN YOUR CLASSROOM IF THEY ARE OUT OF UNIFORM.
  • Continue to review your classroom rules and procedures. Model and have scholars walk through procedures to ensure they are clear regarding your expectations.
  • The first 15 minutes of your class is critical, as it sets the tone for the entire class period. Ensure you have a clear and specific entry plan when scholars enter your classroom. What are your expectations?
  • Cell phones, ear buds, and/or ear phones MUST be turned off and out of sight during instructional time (unless used for instructional purposes). We MUST "sweat the small stuff" consistently across the entire school.
  • Please do NOT allow scholars to stand and wait by the classroom door at the end of class - including at the end of the school day.  Scholars should sit in their seats and wait for YOU to dismiss them, not the bell.
  • Please limit all hall passes.  We must enforce our expectation that instructional time is the priority, and all scholars MUST be in the classroom to learn. You will soon learn who your "hall pass" scholars are - they ALWAYS want a pass. Please DO NOT issue passes, with the exception of true emergencies. Additionally, passes should NOT be issued during the first and last 15 minutes of the class period, or after 2:00pm. 

MONDAY, 9/14

TUESDAY, 9/15..."B" DAY
  • Boys Soccer @ Bladensburg -  3:30pm 
  • Girls Soccer @ Home - 3:30pm
  • JV/Varsity Volleyball @ Gwynn Park - JV(5:30pm) V(6:30pm)

  • IEP Meetings (All day) 
  •  Family and Consumer Sciences Collaborative Planning (PD 1A - RM 221)
  • Math Collaborative Planning (PD 2A - RM 212)
  • English Collaborative Planning (PD 3A - RM 100)
  • Social Studies Collaborative Planning (PD 4A - See Mr. Spence for Rooms)
  • French Immersion Collaborative Planning (PD 4A - LIB 1)
  • Science Colaborative Planning (PD 5A - RM 219)
  • Admin/ABIS/Security/PGC Meeting  - 2:45pm - 3:15pm (Location TBA)
  • Admin Meeting 3:30pm (Upstairs Conference Room) 
  • PTSA Meeting @ 6:30pm (Cafeteria)

THURSDAY,  9/17..."B" DAY
  • Foundations of Technology Collaborative Planning (PD 1B)
  • World Languages Collaborative Planning (PD 1B - RM 201A)
  • World Languages Collaborative Planning (PD 5B - RM 204) 
  • Instructional Leadership Team Meeting @ 2:45PM (Library)
  • Girls Soccer @ Home- 3:30pm
  •  Boys Soccer @ Bowie -3:3

FRIDAY, 9/18..."A" DAY
  • Achievers of Success Meeting @ 2:30pm
SATURDAY,  9/19 
  • Cross Country @ at Fort Washington Park - 10:00am
  • Football @ Home (against Surrattsville) 2:00pm

Recognizing the difference between  “I taught it” and  “They learned it”  is one of the most important challenges that a teacher faces. Consistently and effectively Checking for Understanding allows teachers to both uncover and respond to student misunderstandings. - See more at:
  • Please submit morning, afternoon,  and website announcement requests via the Teacher Resource Site beginning Thursday, 9/17.
  • If you are interested in starting a club or extracurricular activity, please complete and submit the Proposal Form. The form can be found on the Teacher Resource Site beginning Thursday, 9/17. See Dr. Fuller for more information.
  • All fundraisers must be approved prior to the start date. This allows all clubs/classes, etc. to have an opportunity to collect money without competition from other clubs.  See Mrs. Lorditch for more information.
  • All LVL 1 Disciplinary Infractions and Referrals must be submitted via the Intervention form located on the Teacher Resource Site. Three LVL 1 referrals, with documentation of interventions, must be submitted prior to submitting a Discipline Referral. Please see your department chair for more information. See Major Pabalan for questions regarding how to complete the Intervention Form.


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