Monday, September 7, 2015

Week of September 7th - September 11th

Welcome Back Team...

I hope you had a relaxing, long weekend!!!! 

  •  To all staff members for an amazing Back-to-School Night. The night went smoothly and many parents made positive comments regarding your classes.  THANK YOU!!
  • Dr. Jones and Mr. Miller for hosting an IB Parent Meeting to discuss the  IB Program!!
  • Mr. Amaker and the Central High School's Soaring Falcon Football Team for an exciting WIN over Parkdale High School. Also, thank you Coach Walker and the track team for selling concessions, Mr. Patnode for a well-planned game day, and all of the staff, students, and parents who attended the game!!
  • Mr. Nichols for teaching his scholars how to annotate text in his Math class. 
  • Major Pabalon for creating our Teacher Resource Google Site!!! Awesome job!! (An overview of how to utilize the Site and the Student Intervention Forms will be done at our Faculty Meeting on 9/8.)

  • Please ensure you have your daily lesson plan available - in an accessible area.  We will continue to utilize the lesson plan template that was agreed upon last school year. It will uploaded to this blog and the Central High School Teacher Resource Google Site.
  • Learning objectives should be displayed daily, and scholars should know what they are expected to know/be able to do by the end of the lesson. Please ensure you thoroughly explain:
-how the learning objective relates to the real world.

-how the learning objective aligns with the previous lesson, upcoming lesson, and entire unit.
-how scholars will be expected to show mastery of the skill/concept.
...also, scholars must be able to explain what they are expected to learn in their own words (not the activities they are completing).

  • We will strictly enforce the uniform policy, including non-compliance of jacket color. If scholars are out of uniform, they should be sent to the In-School Suspension Room on the 3rd floor. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW A SCHOLAR TO SIT IN YOUR CLASSROOM IF THEY ARE OUT OF UNIFORM.
  • Continue to review your classroom rules and procedures. Model and have scholars walk through procedures to ensure they are clear regarding your expectations.
  • The first 15 minutes of your class is critical, as it sets the tone for the entire class period. Ensure you have a clear and specific entry plan when scholars enter your classroom. What are your expectations?
  • Cell phones, ear buds, and/or ear phones MUST be turned off and out of sight during instructional time (unless used for instructional purposes). We MUST "sweat the small stuff" consistently across the entire school.
  • Please do NOT allow scholars to stand and wait by the classroom door at the end of class - including at the end of the school day.  Scholars should sit in their seats and wait for YOU to dismiss them, not the bell.
  • Please limit all hall passes.  We must enforce our expectation that instructional time is the priority, and all scholars MUST be in the classroom to learn. You will soon learn who your "hall pass" scholars are - they ALWAYS want a pass. Please DO NOT issue passes, with the exception of true emergencies. Additionally, passes should NOT be issued during the first and last 15 minutes of the class period, or after 2:00pm.


TUESDAY, 9/8..."B" DAY
  • Faculty Meeting: 2:45pm - 3:45pm (Cafeteria - PLEASE BRING YOUR LAPTOP)
  •  BV Soccer vs Northwestern 3:30 pm @ Central Football Stadium
  •  GV Soccer @ Northwestern @ 3:30 pm
  • Underclassmen Pictures (DURING ENGLISH CLASSES)
  • IEP Meetings (All day)
  • Admin/ABIS/Security/PGC Meeting  - 2:45pm - 3:15pm (Location TBA)
  • Admin Meeting 3:30pm (Upstairs Conference Room)

THURSDAY,  9/10..."B" DAY
  • Underclassmen Pictures (DURING ENGLISH CLASSES)
  • Content Collaborative Planning - (DURING ALL PLANNING PERIODS) 

  • 5:30 PMHBladensburgJV Volleyball

    6:30 PMHBladensburgVolleyball
FRIDAY, 9/11..."A" DAY
  • BV Soccer @ Gwynn Park @ 3:30 pm
  • GV Soccer vs Gwynn Park @ 3:30 @ Central Football Stadium
  • Varsity Football @ National Christian Academy 6:30pm 

 Thank you to all team members who submitted emergency substitute plans by the due date - Friday, 9/4/2015. If you did not meet this due date,  please submit the required documents as soon as possible, or by close of business, on Tuesday, 9/8/2015. Plans should be submitted to the Main Office.(Please see the Faculty Handbook for the list of items that should be included in your plans.)
Thank you!


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